Focusing For Life
A website dedicated to Bebe Simon, her work, and the work of people she admired.
The Team
This archive was lovingly created by Barbara Dickinson and Lisa Hodorovych, two of Bebe’s biggest fans!
Barbara is a Certified Focusing Professional since 2009. She met Bebe in 2015 and they became fast friends. Barbara has had the best time helping Bebe with these projects:
Migrating her website to Facebook
Creating a video of her conference presentation in Cambridge, UK (with help from Nada Lou)
Documenting her workshop
Republishing her book, and finally
Creating this archival tribute to her career as a beloved Focusing trainer.
Lisa is an author and a small business owner.​ She is a Jersey girl, born and raised, and a proud Capricorn.
When she was approached by Barbara - back in 2019 - with the project of republishing Bebe's book, she was a little nervous. She was just starting out (her business launched in 2018) and she was still "learning the ropes." She also never heard of Focusing or of Bebe Simon; however, she was ready to take on this project and master her craft!
A little over a year later, she learned so much; not only about the publishing industry and about Focusing, but about Bebe. A fondness and a deep respect for her grew and Lisa was ready to do any other projects for her, so others could learn about her, as well.
Which brings us to this site, this beautiful piece of art that Lisa has been tirelessly working on and perfecting for the past year or two. For both Barbara and Lisa, this has truly been a "labor of love."