Focusing For Life
A website dedicated to Bebe Simon, her work, and the work of people she admired.

Who is Bebe Simon? What is Focusing?
Bebe Simon is a Focusing expert. She has taught people how to listen to their inner wisdom in order to help solve everyday life crises. She worked with others and taught for about two decades. Now she is retired but wants to make sure this work is continually shared around the world for all time.
Focusing is a school of thought that is used to help people gently work their way through any blocks they are feeling as they pursue their life. It refers to the natural ability to pay attention to all that we are aware of in the "here and now." It was started in the 1970's by Dr. Eugene T. Gendlin while he was studying videotapes of psychotherapy sessions. He noticed the behavior of the client rather than watching and/or listening to the therapist. He noticed their ability to look inwards and read their own body's reactions. From there, he went on to outline a six-step approach for teaching people this new ability he called Focusing.