Focusing For Life
A website dedicated to Bebe Simon, her work, and the work of people she admired.
Brochures & Info. Squares
Here you will find brochures and information squares containing details about different workshops that Bebe either attended or presented, or containing details about Focusing.
A Special Opportunity to Work with Ann Weiser Cornell
A Special Opportunity to Work with Bala Jaison - Focusing: Level I
About Focusing - Information Sheet
Applied Focusing and the Vision of Greatness: Guide to the Felt Visioning Process
Bio-Spirituality and Surrender Into Life Through Focusing
Counselling Focusing and Experiential Listening with Rob Foxcroft
Dreams: An Experiential Workshop
Facilitating Presence with 2 Parts
"Fine Tuning Your Focusing Skills" - Focusing Level III
Focusing 2000: Focusing and Beginning Empathic Listening Workshop
Focusing: A Class for Relationship - Enhancing the Process of Personal Change
Focusing and Empathic Listening Core Curriculum - Levels I Through V
Focusing and Medicine: Integrating This Mind/Body Tool Into Healthcare
Focusing by Eugene T. Gendlin, Ph. D.
Focusing - Education Development
"Focusing for Life" - A 4-weekend Course with Bebe Simon
Focusing: Level I Workshop - 1996
Focusing: Level III - Advanced Guiding & Listening Skills
Focusing Level Three Workshop: Advanced Guiding/Companioning
Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: Level I
Focusing Training for Psychotherapists, Counselors, and Body/Energy Workers
Focusing with Children (And the Child Within)
Focusing Workshops in Scotland
"Gift of Your Dream: Through Your Body's Wisdom" - An Experiential Workshop
Going Further with Focusing & The Focusing Resources Program
Helping Teens & Adults to "Notice" and "Nurture" Their Felt Senses
If You're Focusing... If You're Listening
If We Could Only Listen to One Another! - Introduction to Basic Empathic Listening
In This Moment... Information Sheet
Interactive Focusing: The Art and Skill of Living in Relationship
Level I - The Inner Relationship
Level I Focusing Training Week-end Workshop
Level II Focusing with Ann Weiser Cornell
"Reconnecting with Your Inner Wisdom"
"Rediscovering Your Inner Wisdom"
Remember, You Never Have To...
"Steps of Change Through Your Inner Wisdom"
The Farmer's Almanac, 1998 - First Page Sample
The Farmer's Almanac, 1998 - Full Booklet
The Inner Child and the Inner Critic: Healing Approaches
Wholebody Focusing: Introduction to Basic "Soul-Body" Listening Skills
Wholebody Focusing Workshop with Kevin McEvenue
Work Partnerships: A Workshop with Kye Nelson