Focusing For Life
A website dedicated to Bebe Simon, her work, and the work of people she admired.
Policies & Copyright
Disclosure Policy
This policy is being made valid on September 1, 2022.
This website was not created to make any profit. It was created so the legacy of Bebe Simon could live on in perpetuity. There will be no affiliation links on this site; however, there will be links to The International Focusing Institute's ("TIFI") website, an institution that is still very near and dear to Bebe. This site is dedicated to TIFI, which Gene Gendlin (the father of Focusing) founded in 1985.
This policy also covers Bebe's Focusing for Life Facebook account.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/focusingforlife
Privacy Policy
As mentioned in the "Disclosure Policy", this site will not be making any money and "cookies" will not be used to track users' demographics.
"Cookies" are used to track sites you (the user) are visiting so advertisers can customize ads for you on your return visits to your favorite sites. Again, those will not be used on this one.
Thank you!
Comments Policy
Your comments are most welcome, especially if you have any questions or need help finding a particular document. However,
instead of posting comments on the site, where they could be overlooked, it would be better to email them.
Thank you for your support and for adhering to these policies!
Copyright Statement
We are honored that you would like to share Bebe's work. For your personal, non-commercial use only, when you do so, please acknowledge this site and link back to it (https://bebesimon.wixsite.com/focusingforlife). All of the documents and images on this site are property of Bebe Simon, unless otherwise stated. If you hope to share her work for a commercial (for profit) purpose, you must request written permission at least 30 days in advance of that use.
Thank you!